Poster Mock-Up
Magazine Ad Spread Mock-Up
One page showcases the aspects that make the punchline drinks stand out against its competitors and one page contains the actual product to accompany it. This was done to show the viewer what the product looks like if they were interested in finding it in person. One major design decision to mention is the order of the pages. The information page was chosen to be on the left side because when turning through the pages of the catalogue, the imagery on the right would grab the reader's attention first. The type was put on the left because naturally, one reads from left to right to finally land back on the imagery on the right side. The imagery in competing ads was commonly static and contained a singular drink product. As a brand, Punch Line decided that having some dynamic layouts with the product imagery would showcase the fun side of the brand and its products.
Billboard Ad Mock-Up
In the design process for the billboard, it was important to keep the number of words short for the viewer as they pass by one on the road. There is also one of the products that was used with a splash to add emphasis to the product and make it stand out. As well as keeping the tagline big and bold for viewers to remember the Punch Line brand. Additionally, the line of type at the bottom explains exactly what the product is so that there is no misrepresentation of the product.
Point-of-Sale Display Mock-Up

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